Looking for 1-2 Sharepoint developers to redo their existing Sharepoint site. Currently it is trying to do way too much, so want to strip it down to function the way Sharepoint is supposed to function….which is a place to store info. Want to shift the heavy lifting to applications and keep this as a place to store content and links. What will it hold? Z-Net, which is a place for fanchise owners and office owners to get content needed to run their business on a day to day basis. Make sure people have access to info they need. Will also be a portal with links to get to other applications. Basically an extranet. 

He will likely use a Sendero person to do the design and our people will do the development, implementation and support.  If you run across a Designer I will send but focus should be on developers.

Currently on 2007, moving to 2019

Start Date: 2-3 weeks

Rate: ??  He wasn’t sure so wants to know what market is.  He is expecting that he will get a good rate otherwise he will just carve off and hand it all to Sendero

Duration: 6 months to start, would like the option to convert to FTE, so must be Citizen or Green Card Holder.