They need at least 2 Full stack developer with heavy back end and angular on front end. Not tech architect but if they can do some application design and architecture that is a plus.

Will work in a team env with ba, qa, pm, etc. Will not interface with biz directly, will take direction from Technical Manager and PM. Therefore they can handle accents but make sure they are understandable when talking about non-technical stuff. Sometimes they are fine when talking technical but become completely incoherent when talk about anything else.

Had 1 person that gave notice on a critical project, so need to backfill. That person’s last day is 11/8. But also a new project starting in January . Need to start both asap, initially 6 months but good people stay forever.

11/8 last day – web internal app, not external or client facing. Complex business rules to set up policies adjudicate claims, accept eligibility and payments. Anugular 8 and C# web apis. Nhibernate or ORM frameworks. Extension to existing app but new functionality. almost greenfield

Undesrtstand sql queries, stored procedures.

January – working on exteneral application used by school admins who deal with students, add/check eligibility, etc 2-3K users. Build in 2008 and needs revamp of tech/platform/technology, 8 different modules that need to be built. Look at old app extract biz rules understand how done and rebuild from ground up. Senior level, independent thinkers but will be guided by tech mgr and PM.

Both hire ASAP.

Iv – 30 minute phone screen then f2f. have been burned by doing all phone so required the onsite

Rate: 90/hr Wants us to start there. We need to prove ourselves. Soumya has tried to use us in the past and didn’t have luck. Giving us a chance based on Jim’s recommendation. They are frequently bringing people on and switching out under performing resources so would be good if this works out. Start there and maybe we can go to mid-upper 90’s for outstanding resource.

NET/Angular Developer

6+ months

Phone, then In Person interview

Essential Duties and Responsibilities:

The developer should be familiar with Microsoft development and other application development related tools. The developer will be participating in a design meeting, iteration planning and discussion of design, code, test and implementation of applications. The developer will provide an accurate estimate of the design, code, test and implementation of the applications. The developer will follow coding protocols and source control procedures.



· 5+ year experience in web application development

· 5+ years developing Web Applications in .NET environment using ASP.NET, MVC, C#, ADO.NET, and Web Services

· 2+ year developing using Angular JS and UI-Bootstrap

· Experience with .NET 3.5+, VS 2013+

· Familiar with HTTP Rest and SOAP Services


Good to have an understanding of the following technologies:

· OAuth and Single Signon

· Identity Server

· Service Stack

· Web Api

· Nhibernate

· JQuery

· Silverlight

· Domain Driven Design

· Asp .net Core

· Redis


· Strong database design and SQL skills using SQL Server

· Good grasp of Object Oriented concepts, techniques and patterns

· Participation in full development life cycle of product/application development

· Knowledge of client side Web technologies including HTML, CSS, Javascript, XML, XSL and XPATH

· Ability to work on multiple concurrent projects

· Strong analytical and problem-solving skills

· Excellent oral and written communication skills

· Must be a team player with excellent people skills

· Ability to interface with all levels within the organization

· Driven to learn the latest programming technologies, especially within the web and Microsoft stack or other platforms